Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sister Kathleen Schipani honored by Philadelphia Knights of Columbus Chapter

Sister Kathleen Schipani IHM, Director of the Office for Persons With Disabilities, has served the disabled and needy for 20 years thorughout the city. One of the tasks that she oversees is the annual mass for the disabled held at the cathedral.
Her work was needed for the 8th World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. She has worked hard to make sure that the family with disabled members from more than 100 countries were able to enjoy their visit to Philadelphia and be able to witness the recent phenomenon.
The Philadelphia Knights of Columbus Chapter, founded in 1901, honored her commitment to her  ministry at their 114th Annual Columbus Day Dinner, held on Sunday October 4th with 120 people in attendance including members of the chapter who brought family, friends and supporters.
During the dinner the Chapter honors a man and woman of the year. The man of the year went to Frank Eggles, a life long member of the Knights of Columbus and 30 year Treasurer of the Chapter and past president. Eggles commitment to the charity drive  and the annual trip to Clementon Park for the disabled has paid off. He has also passed on his dedication to his family especially his son Dan who accepted the torch to be a member of the chapter.
“Dad is a great man to work and be with” said Dan Eggles, son of Frank and member of chapter. “I am very proud of his hard work and service to others”.
Ted Pricovski, son in law of Frank and a member of the Knights of Columbus in West Philadelphia himself offered some remarks on his father in law.
“What defines my father-in-law are two things.” Ted Pricovski remarks. “One is his devotion to his family. Two is his commitment to charity and service through the Knights of Columbus by managing affaris for both chapter and council.”
Frank Eggles, despite being overwhelmed by his reception of the man of the year award, reflected on his life.
“I always enjoyed family gathering and the day at Clementon Park” Eggles said. “It is always great to enjoy the service of the knights to those with disablilites have a day to have fun and enjoy themselves. The knights donated a generous amount of time for this event. My family would regualrly attend and my son Dan donates the food that is served.”
“I’m proud to be with Frank for all those years in the chapter” said Mike Maloney, past president. “He has done so much for the chapter and it is well deserved.”
Patrick Corey, past president of the chapter, remarked that one of Sister Kathleen’s tasks during the World Meeting of Families was the mass for the disabled that was held at St. John Neumann Shrine on September 25th. The mass had over a 100 with special needs in attendance.
“The mass is so moving, beautiful and inspirational” Corey reflected. “Sister Kathleen has done a tremendous job in the planning and preparation that was put into the mass. It would not have been successful without the help of the Knights of Columbus.” Corey went on to encourage everyone to consider going to a mass for the disabled in the near future and be inspired.
Thomas Hinnegan, past president of the chapter, commended Sister Kathleen for her service to the poor and needy as she receives the award.
She thanked everyone in attendance and credited the Knights for their continued support for the disabled.
“I want to commend the Knights of Columbus for their work to defend the culture of life.” Sister Kathleen acknowledged. “ You have provided great support for my ministry and I hope and pray that you continue to do so.”
She has worked mother of disabled children  and knows that those children must be “valued and honor”. When she first began her ministry, several parishes across the archdiocese had no accessiblity for handicapped. With her work and partnership with the knights, half of the parishes offer that convenience for the disabled.
“Your work is noticed” Sister Kathleen affirms.
Everyone in attendance gave both recipients a standing ovation.
In closing, Pat Corey encouraged everyone to help grow the Knights of Columbus by recruiting men 18 and over who are practicing Catholics.

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